Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Homemade Green Tea Ice Cream (no machine)

When I found this recipe on Sabra's amazing food blog Spoonful, it sounded way too good not to try. I'm a real sucker for good green tea ice cream, and surely the idea of being able to generate your own ice cream at will is the sweet-tooth equivalent of being able to grow money on trees, or turning water into wine...

Somehow here the lighting balance dulled the green a little - it looks more vibrant green in real life!
Poor similes aside, I've had this recipe stuck on the brain for a while now, and so I bought some Matcha during my recent trip to Hong Kong. Matcha is amazing stuff. Delicious with sweet red bean paste in cake, strangely concentrated and foamy when served in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, and killer as an ice cream flavour.

Best matcha ice cream experience? Soft serve matcha ice cream from a shop on the walk up to Kiyomizudera in Kyoto. Tangents aside, here's the recipe, and it works so well that I've almost directly copied it straight from Sabra's blog (hope it's ok, thanks!):

2 tablespoons green tea powder (matcha)
2/3 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup heavy cream (aka whipping cream)

1. In a small bowl, mix the green tea powder with 2 tablespoons sugar.

2. In a separate bowl, mix together the egg yolks and remaining sugar.

3. Pour the milk into a small pan and gently heat taking care not to let it boil. Remove the from the heat and mix a few spoonfuls of the warm milk with the matcha/sugar combination. When you have a smooth paste, add it to the remaining milk in the pan, then gradually stir in the egg yolk/sugar mixture.

4. Return mixture to the stove and heat slowly over low heat (taking care to not let the mixture boil), until the mixture coats the back of a spoon. Remove from the heat, strain through a fine sieve, and allow to cool completely.

5. Lightly whip the cream and then add it to the cold green tea-milk mixture.

6. Chill mixture for an hour or two in the refrigerator and then put it in the freezer. As ice crystals start to form, remove, and mix vigorously and thoroughly with a fork to break them up and return the mixture to the freezer. Repeat this a few times as it freezes to ensure that the ice cream is smooth.

- As a few people have commented on Sabra's blog, I'd recommend adding a little more matcha and less sugar to bring out the green tea taste more.


  1. I have to say, it sure matches the best matcha ice cream :) How gorgeous it looked in the pics! ;)

  2. Beautiful!!!! I aim to try this in the holidays perhaps!

  3. Christy - You should see the pictures of the ice cream on the Spoonful blog, those are really great. Anyhow, I was pleasantly surprised how well this recipe worked out!

    PF - You should definitely try it! It's quite a simple recipe too. I think I'm going to make it again, but with chocolate instead =)

  4. It looks perfect ! love the color..

    New to ur space and Happy to follow u !

    Do visit me as time permits !

  5. Wowww.... I actually have some green tea matcha powder in my cupboard right now, I was looking for the best recipe for it. Was gonna go with cake but this looks pretty good :) The wonders of a Trinity College gyp room... (assuming you are still in Trinity?)

  6. Hi Mehjabeen, thanks for visiting! Your blog makes me want to make biryani!! I'm adding it to my cooking list =P

    Xinmei, I'm still around! I'm going to be around all summer pretty much, and for a couple of years after that too... haha that's a PhD for you.
    We should do a cooking meetup sometime!

  7. I stumbled upon this post because I was looking for the name of a matcha cookie shop on the road leading to Kiyomizudera - this post is just as amazing though. I am definitely going to try this ice-cream recipe it looks so good and negates the need for me to invest in a ice-cream maker.
