Wednesday, September 28, 2011

SMBC #7 - Homemade Pizza

After the ridiculous excesses of our previous SMBC, M&M decided that it would be a fantastic idea if we all made him pizza all made pizza together from scratch. As our usual kitchen didn't have an oven, we packed our things and headed to the communal BA kitchen to bake up a storm.

Going on a recipe from PC's mum, the pizza dough was made by mixing:
- 600 g flour
- 1 cup milk
- 1/2 cup lukewarm water
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 sachet of dried yeast (or cube of fresh yeast if available)
- salt

Disclaimer: PC says this isn't the traditional Italian recipe for pizza dough - the real thing has a specific type of flour and no milk... apparently you can google it.

Once the dough has risen, it can be rolled out and shaped to your hearts desire.

We tried two different methods after this:
- either baking the bases first, then adding the toppings and rebaking, or
- adding the toppings to the raw bases and baking all at once
The first resulted in a crispier lighter base, but the second is easier, so I can't recommend one over the other.

Baking the pizzas bases first really makes them puff up, almost like lebanese pita bread.
The tomato sauce was simply a mix of tinned tomatoes, lots of garlic, rosemary, oregano, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Our collection of toppings included traditional ingredients like mozarella, basil, olives, red onion and peppers capsicum, as well as some less typical ingredients such as tuna, feta cheese and (heaven forbid) sweet corn.

Baked until brown, then best eaten immediately! Few things are better than melted mozzarella straight from the oven...

Here are some mugshots from the pizza gallery:

The old favourite, the margerhita.
A few more toppings: olives, zucchini, capsicum, red onion, capers.
Tuna. Is that weird?

We haven't had an SMBC post in ages - we actually did this quite a while ago, plus one other thing that I'm going to post up next in a back-to-back of SMBC posts! And this next one is going to be the last SMBC for the academic year 2010-2011, so don't miss it! (especially the awesome video in the next one, courtesy of M&M...)


  1. The heart shaped pizzas are so cute! I don't have an oven either, but the BA room is too far for me and I'm lazy :p I really like the puffed up pizzas when you bake them first, thanks for the idea!

  2. Hey, really enjoying your blog, stumbled across it whilst looking for reviews of Midsummer House (going tomorrow - so excited!). It's good to find other Cam food blogs.

    Blog again soon!! A x

  3. Xinmei, you haven't blogged in ages! What's happening on your end?

    Hi Allie, love the blog name! Always great to see more Cam food bloggers! How was Midsummer House?

  4. Midsummer House was AMAZING! I'm so glad we went, we had an amazing beef suet pudding which I might try to recreate soon. I really want to go again though, better start saving!
